Lambskin rollers and applicators are constructed with lambswool. These rollers possess a quality fiber structure that is soft and durable. The fine fibers of this wool come from young sheep and are flexible and exceptionally absorbent. Lambswool is also hypoallergenic which is helpful for allergy sufferers. At Pro Roller Company, Inc., we offer a high quality, durable lambswool stain applicator that is ideal for various staining projects.

Our lambswool stain applicators consist of wool derived from Merino sheep. This type of wool has softer and more flexible characteristics than the wool found in many other standard products advertised as lambswool products.

Benefits of a Lambswool Stain Applicator

The various products that a lambswool applicator may be used with include stains, varnish, urethane finishes, and floor wax.

Lambswool has such an exceptional level of absorbency that when using a stain applicator made from this material you do not need to repeatedly dip for more stain (as often as you would with other applicators) to obtain the same quality of application. This reduces the time and effort required to achieve smooth and thorough results with your staining projects.

Stain Application Directions

Here are some basic steps to take when using a lambswool stain applicator for staining.

  • Extract any excess fiber from the lambswool applicator
  • Place the pad in some stain and start the process of applying it to your surface
  • Work the applicator in small sections at a time
  • Let the stain settle and penetrate into the surface for about 5 to 15 minutes
  • Using a soft cloth, wipe across the grain and then with the grain

Finish Application Directions

Here are some basic steps to take with using a lambswool applicator for finishing applications:

  • Get rid of any extra fiber from the applicator
  • When using an oil-based clear finish, some people saturate the pad with mineral spirits. If a water-based clear finish is used, the pad may be damped with water.
  • Using a rag, blot the pad to make sure it is adequately moistened, but not dripping
  • Place the pad in the finish and start applying the pad to the surface
  • Make even and thin coat applications without leaving drops or puddles.

To learn about the lambswool stain applicator we offer at Pro Roller Company, Inc., or to order a lambswool applicator or other products, call us today at 800.325.9561 or send us a message through our contact form.