If you have been looking into wood floor finishing applicators for an upcoming or current project, below is some information that may help you make the best choice for your application. At Pro Roller Company, we offer exceptional quality floor finish applicator products to help you achieve optimal results on your flooring. Whether you need a lambswool applicator or stain pad applicator, we have you covered.

To begin with, it is important to look at the instructions provided by the coatings manufacturer to find out about any recommended methods of application. Generally speaking, however, the types of finish applicators to be used with certain types of finish include:

Lambswool Applicators

The method recommended for applying oil-based polyurethane to hardwood floors is with the use of a lambswool applicator on a wooden block. One word of caution with lambswool applicators: The fibers of these applicators have a tendency to get stuck in wet finish. Prior to using a new lambswool applicator, be sure to thoroughly comb out the lambswool. Or you may use a piece of tape to cover it and then rip off the tape to extract any stray or loose lambswool fibers.

Paint Rollers

When it comes to applying various water-based polyurethanes, in addition to certain oil-based polyurethanes and moisture-cured poly finishes, rollers are an ideal tool for application. If you have a multi-direction floor to finish, rollers are an optimal choice. They are also effective at applying conversion varnish provided you apply with a sufficient amount of coating.

Paint Brushes

When it comes to applying conversion varnish (aka acid cure or Swedish finish), using a brush such as a China bristle connected to a long pole, is the recommended method of application. A paint brush is often used for applying moisture-cured and oil-based polyurethane finishes.

The application process with a brush is relatively slow, but it forces you to pay close attention to your work. This is important for the application of acid cure, since applying this finish often results in missed areas on the floor because of separation. It is easy to overlook these areas when using a roller or T-bar.

Trim pads and T-bars are other tools that may be used efficiently to apply finishes to floors. A trim pad is a type of stain pad applicator that is useful with water-based products since they do not cling to the finish. When using a water-based hardwood finish, the best T-bar to use is one with a synthetic sleeve.

To learn about the floor finish applicator options, we offer at Pro Roller Company, call us today at 800.325.9561 or send us a message through our contact form.