When evaluating the type of paint roller to use, it is important to consider various factors, including the nature of the paint job you need to complete. A foam roller for painting uses a special type of foam that can efficiently absorb and apply glossy, semi-glossy, and latex paints.

It is ideal for completing various types of painting jobs. It also costs less than a nap roller. Foam rollers absorb paint uniformly and thus can efficiently cover smooth surfaces. It is a cost-effective option for painting large surface areas.

At Pro Roller Company, as a trusted foam paint roller manufacturer, we offer foam paint roller options to help you complete your painting projects.

Smooth and Uniform Painting

A foam paint roller has a smooth surface which allows it to quickly absorb paint and apply the paint smoothly and uniformly.

Larger Surface Coverage

With the absorption capability of foam, there is less needed to capture larger volumes of paint with each application. It reduces the number of times you need to dip the roller in the paint tray or bucket and allows you to achieve large surface area coverage in less time.

Paint Edges Evenly

A smaller foam roller (instead of a nap roller) may be used to paint edges evenly and neatly.

Prevent Paint Wastage

Foam rollers can hold paint without dripping, which helps prevent the loss of paint to the floor.

Usable With Multiple Paint Types

Foam rollers are usable with various types of paint except for oil-based paint.


Foam rollers are an inexpensive alternative to more expensive nap rollers and fit well into many budgets.

Benefits of a High-Quality Foam Roller

With a high-quality foam roller for painting, you can achieve the following benefits:

  • Higher quality, neater surface finish.

  • Less time-consuming and stressful painting jobs.

  • Prevent the trapping of air bubbles when painting.

  • Easier and faster roller cleaning.

To learn about the various foam paint roller options we offer at Pro Roller Company, shop our foam roller selection, give us a call today at 800.325.9561, or leave us a message through our contact form.