When painting a room, it is vital to have quality painting tools on hand along with making the right preparations for the job and performing careful and detailed work if you want to achieve the best results. At Pro Roller Company, we are your source for some of the best paint tools you can find to get the job done right, including paint brushes, premium paint rollers, and more!

1. Paint Tray

If you are using a paint roller, you’re going to need a paint tray. Both plastic and metal paint trays are feasible options.

2. Painter’s Tape

Buy the highest quality painter’s tape you can afford, like Phoenix painter’s tape. The application of the painter’s tape is key. After you apply the tape, create a seal by moving a damp rag over the edge. Then, wait until the paint dried before removing the tape. Do not let the tape remain in place longer than necessary. Remove the tape within the prescribed period of time according to the directions or recommendations for that type of tape.

3. Paint Roller

A paint roller is essential when you need to cover a large surface area with paint. For latex paint, synthetic rollers, such as dralon, are ideal. For oil-based paints, natural premium paint rollers such as wool are ideal. If you want a smoother finish, choose a roller with a shorter nap.

4. Paintbrush

If you are painting a smaller surface area or need to do some edging work, a paint brush is ideal. For latex paint, use a polyester brush. For oil-based paint, use a natural-bristle brush. When you need to paint large spaces, a flat-headed brush works best. When you need to paint a straight line along the trim, use an angled brush.

5. Drop Cloth

Paint tools include more rollers, brushes, tape, and trays. They also include drop cloths that are ideal for protecting the floors and furniture in the room from paint droppings and splashes. You can use other plastic drop cloths or canvas cloths to provide the needed protection. Canvas cloths are sturdy and will absorb spilled paint. Plastic drop cloths are much lighter and may be reused. However, on plastic drop cloths the paint pools instead of being absorbed.

6. Small Putty Knife

When you need to embed painter’s tape into woodwork in order to create a tighter seal, use a small putty knife. The seal produced prevents paint from escaping behind the tape onto the wood. You can also use a putty knife to scrape away paint drippings and grime. You can also use this knife to cut clean tape joints along inside corners.

7. Edger

To prevent painting window molding and other small areas, instead of painting tape, you can use a plastic or metal paint edger. Using an edger requires you to clean it with a rag before moving it forward to the next area to prevent dragging paint to unwanted locations.

8. Roller Extension Pole

For use with premium paint rollers, a roller extension pole can help you apply these rollers to ceilings and high areas on walls.

For information about the paint tools, we offer at Pro Roller, call us today at 800.325.9561 or use our contact form to leave us a message.